LPA has explored and applied the innovative electronic court processing system through the portal iCourt.ge for months already. After launching the program by the Georgian common courts in Spring, 2015, we have become registered user of the e-filling platform enabling our lawyers to submit court claims, responses, applications and motions on various legal matters from the office without visiting the court. The system provides unique opportunity to save significant travel costs and time while handling litigation in Tbilisi and regions.
Over the last six months, we have participated in the process of implementing and enhancing the platform in Georgian courts. Despite the official acceptance of the e-filing as an equal alternative of paper-based filling and personal delivery process, traditional court system found it challanging to get used to the new way of case processing through the portal iCourt.ge. Irrespective of the difficulties that we encountered in the start-up of the project, we are proud to note that we managed to significantly increase efficiency and flexibility of our litigation team filing claims and other court documents online without leaving the desk.
LPA has always supported and is going to encourage implementation of new technologies in the Georgian court system. We stand for the reform of justice administration system and declare our support of initiatives in this field.